Take me to your leader !

WOW! and you thought that deer management was tough. For the past week we have been slammed with news reporters, camera crews, UFO hunters and alot of people with stiff necks from watching the sky’s. I would like to point out a few things to keep in mind about the “UFO” sitings.

1. Roger Elston and Scott Roebuck built a super potato gun this past week and so far everything that went into it was unidentified.  hmmmm

2. Our owner and CEO drives a bright red truck and most of the time is flies low to the ground and is extremely fast too.

3. We, well our owner, have been shredding this past week and trust me everything that come out of the back of that thing is low and unidentified. If any of these object say Craftsman on it please return the tool to us. Thanks.

4. Roger has a new revolutionized weapon he wants to develope with them for deer hunting. This p223 Deer anialator 2008 will skin, cook and shoulder mount your deer with the pull of the trigger. Just think before you even get out of the deer stand your trophy will be mounted, cooked and prepared in a matter of seconds. You can get this for the low price of $299.99, but if you respond in the next 5 minutes it is your for only $19.95.

U-F-O stands for Unidentified Flying Object. This does not mean space ships or cloaking aircraft that have mysterious powers and zip throughout the air looking for some one to abduct (although Roger and I want to take them on a deer hunt). Our constable and dear friend LeRoy Gaitan, put it in words that should not be miss understood. He said that he observed something in the air that he has never seen before.

Stay tuned as we will keep you updated on the current invasion of Stephenville, Texas!!!!!!!

p.s. if any of these beings are found ask them how Roger can get in touch with their R&D department to make the prototype of the p223 Deer Annihilator 2008.

Scott Roebuck, Deer Channel